The new gift custom - Summer "homecoming life"


Our lifestyle has changed a lot in the last few years. Along with these changes, new gift-giving habits have emerged. One of them is the “homecoming life”

that I will introduce today.

Homecoming is a coined word created by combining “homecoming” and “oseibo”. 

It is attracting attention as a new trend as more and more people want to send gifts instead of returning to their hometowns for family and relatives who want to meet but can't see them, and important people who have been indebted to them.

Originally, oseibo is a gift given to people who have helped you at the end of the year. It seems that there are many.

If you are busy and find it difficult to return home, or if you are planning to refrain from going home this year, how about giving a “homecoming life” with your thoughts on it?
