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Terms of Service

Article 1 (Members)

1. "Member" means an individual who agrees to these Terms and applies for membership in accordance with the procedures specified by the Company.
2. "Member information" means the information disclosed by the member to the Company regarding the attributes of the member and information such as the member's transaction history.
3. These terms apply to all members and are terms that must be followed during and after registration.

Article 2 (Registration)

1. Membership Qualification

Customers who have agreed to these Terms and have applied for membership will be eligible for membership after completing the prescribed registration procedures. Membership registration procedures must be completed by the person who will become a member. 

Registration by proxy is not permitted at all. In addition, we may refuse membership applications from those whose membership qualifications have been revoked in the past or those who we deem to be unsuitable.

2. Entry of member information
When completing the member registration procedure, please read the notes on entry carefully and fill in the necessary information correctly in the designated entry form. Special symbols, Chinese characters, Roman numerals, etc. cannot be used when registering member information. If these characters are registered, we will change them.

3. Password management

(1) The password shall be used only by the member himself/herself and shall not be transferred or lent to a third party.
(2) Members are responsible for managing their passwords, such as changing them regularly so that they are not known to others.
(3) Any manifestation of intention made to the Company using a password shall be deemed to be the manifestation of intention of the member himself/herself, and all resulting payments, etc. shall be the responsibility of the member.

Article 3 (Changed)

1. Members shall promptly notify the Company of any changes in matters notified to the Company, such as name and address.
2. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by failure to register the change. Also, please note that even if a change is registered, transactions that have already been processed prior to the change being registered will be processed based on the information prior to the change being registered.

Article 4 (Withdrawal)

If a member wishes to withdraw from membership, the member must complete the withdrawal procedure himself/herself. Membership will be withdrawn after completing the prescribed withdrawal procedures.

Article 5 (Loss of Membership and Obligation to Compensate)

1. When a member makes a false statement when applying for membership, fails to pay the payment obligation for mail-order sales, or is otherwise deemed inappropriate by the Company as a member. The Company may revoke membership if there is a reason to accept it.

2. When a member commits any of the acts set forth in the following items, the Company shall be responsible for compensating for damages suffered by the member.

(1) Improper use of membership numbers and passwords
(2) Interfering with our business by accessing this website and falsifying information, or sending harmful computer programs to this website
(3) Acts that infringe on the intellectual property rights of products handled by the Company
(4) Other acts that violate these Terms of Use

Article 6 (Handling of member information) shall not be disclosed to a third party without the prior consent of the member. However, in the following cases, the Company may disclose member information and other customer information without the prior consent of the member.

(1) When disclosure is requested based on laws and regulations
(2) When the Company determines that it is necessary to protect the rights, interests, honor, etc. of the Company. The Company shall be able to use member information for the purpose of providing services to members, improving the content of services, promoting the use of services, and ensuring  operation of services.

3. The Company may provide members with information (including advertisements) through newsletters, e-mail magazines and other methods. 

If the member does not wish to provide information, we will stop providing information once we received their notification in advances. However, the provision of information necessary for the operation of this service cannot be stopped at the request of the member.

Article 7 (Prohibitions)

When using this service, members are prohibited from performing the following acts.

1. Violation of laws and regulations, these Terms, cautions on using this service, cautions on shopping with this service, or other terms of this agreement, etc.
2. Rights, interests, and Defamation, etc.
3. Acts that may adversely affect the mental and physical health of young people, or other acts that are contrary to public order and morals
4. Acts that cause trouble or discomfort to other users or other third parties
5. Entering false information                                                                                    6. Sending or writing harmful computer programs, e-mails, etc.
7. Unauthorized access to our server or other computers
8. Lending or lending passwords to third parties assign or share with third parties;
9. Other matters that the Company deems inappropriate

Article 8 (Suspension, Suspension, etc. of Service)

All or part of the provision of this service may be suspended without notice.
(1) When necessary for regular and emergency maintenance of the
system                                                                                                                  (2) When the load is concentrated on the system
(3) When the operation of the system becomes difficult due to fire, power failure, sabotage by a third party, etc.
(4) In addition, if the Company determines that it is unavoidable to stop the system

Article 9 (Change or Abolition of Service) The Company may change all or part of the Service as appropriate without prior notice.

Article 10 (Exemption from Responsibility)

1. System interruption, delay, discontinuation, loss of data due to communication line or computer failure, damage caused by unauthorized access to data, and other damages caused to members in relation to our services, our company shall not take any responsibility.
2. The Company does not guarantee that the email content sent from the Company's web page, server, domain, etc. does not contain harmful items such as computer viruses.
3. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by a member's violation of these Terms, etc.

Article 11 (Revision of these Terms)

The Company may arbitrarily revise these Terms, and may establish terms to supplement these Terms (hereinafter referred to as "Supplementary Terms"). Revisions or supplements to these Terms shall take effect when the revised Terms or supplementary Terms are posted on the site designated by the Company. In this case, the member shall comply with the revised Terms and Supplementary Terms.

Article 12 (Governing Law, Court of Jurisdiction) 

In the event of any dispute occurred regarding these Terms, the district court who has had the jurisdiction over the location of our head office shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance.